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Please see J-Link's recent press coverage:


Human Rights Watch e l’apartheid di Israele: un po’ di senso della storia (Parte 2)

10 May, 2020


Human Rights Watch and Israel's Apartheid: A Small Sense of History.(Part 2)



Human Rights Watch e l’apartheid di Israele: un po’ di senso della storia 

9 May, 2020


Human Rights Watch and Israel's Apartheid: A Small Sense of History.



Tachles: Debatte um Annexion in der Schweiz (16 July, 2020)


Debate about Annexation in Switzerland





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La Repubblica, Italy:

La Luce del Diritto e della Ragione (2 July, 2020)


The Light of Law and Reason





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3500 Noticias:

Organizaciones judías de Argentina y el mundo piden frenar la anexión de Cisjordania (6 July, 2020)


Jewish organizations in Argentina and in the world ask to stop annexation of the West Bank




The Dominion Post via Press Reader, New Zealand: Step Up the NZ Stand on Annexation (1 July, 2020)



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The Jewish Chronicle, UK: Fifty Jewish organisations meet Israeli diplomats to argue against annexation (29 June, 2020)



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Scoop, New Zealand: Progressive Jews hail NZ censure of Israeli annexation (25 June, 2020)




Haaretz, Israel: Coalition Against Annexation Meets Israeli Diplomats in 18 Cities Worldwide (29 June, 2020)



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Le Monde, France: Cisjordanie: « Agir au plus vite pour qu’Israël renonce à ce projet d’annexion ». (18 June, 2020)


West Bank: ‘Acting quickly so Israel gives up on annexation.

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